Tips To Help You Pass The DEQ Inspection In Portland
Why The DEQ Test Is Important To All Of Us
Accurate Auto. is a certified Oregon DEQ Repair Facility employing an advanced emission specialist. We are dedicated to helping you pass the DEQ test and protect Oregon’s environment.
The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) implemented the Enhanced Vehicle Emissions Testing Program in September 1997. The Environmental Quality Commission adopted this program as a key component of plans to keep the air clean in the Portland area
Background Information
Vehicle inspection is one of the Department of Environmental Quality’s (DEQ) most successful programs to help reduce air pollution caused by motor vehicles. DEQ manages two vehicle inspection programs in Oregon. The Vehicle Inspection Program for Portland and surrounding areas started in 1975. The Rogue Valley vehicle inspection for Medford, Ashland and surrounding areas began in 1986.
By inspecting exhaust emissions, DEQ identifies vehicles that are producing more air pollution than expected and need maintenance.
Modern passenger cars and trucks are equipped with sophisticated emission control systems capable of minimizing pollution from exhaust. Vehicle inspection programs are designed to ensure these systems are working properly so vehicles stay clean in actual use.
Why Is Vehicle Inspection Needed?
Vehicle inspection is the most effective program to reduce air pollution from vehicles. Emissions from motor vehicles are the major cause of air pollution in the Portland area. Vehicles produce 41 percent of ground-level ozone (smog) and 60 percent of carbon monoxide emissions in the region.
Every city in the U.S. with a serious carbon monoxide or smog problem has developed a vehicle inspection program to help combat it. On average, vehicles that fail vehicle inspection tests produce up to four times as much pollution as those that pass.
Vehicle Inspection Works
Air pollution in the Portland and Medford areas has been dramatically reduced because of the vehicle inspection programs. Since population and traffic are predicted to grow steadily in both regions, vehicle inspection and other air pollution prevention programs will still be needed to keep the air healthy.
In the early 1970s, downtown Portland violated the national health standards for carbon monoxide an average of once every three days. There hasn’t been a single carbon monoxide violation in downtown Portland since 1985.
In the Medford area, national health standards for carbon monoxide were violated 35 times in 1985, more than all other Oregon cities combined. After the vehicle inspection program began in 1986, carbon monoxide pollution levels declined and there were just two violations in 1988. There have been no violations of the health standards for carbon monoxide since 1991.
If you need to schedule a DEQ inspection in Portland, come one by Accurate Auto today.